
     Every structure is required supervision or controlling authority.  A Government is a big structure in a country.  This government is also required supervision and controlling authority.  Presently, opposition political parties, Media organisations and Judicial departments are available to  question any structure including government activities and public activities.

     However one independent ministry is must to work as watch dog section that is An Evaluation Ministry to evaluate all government and public activities and give report to Media Organisations. This ministry should ensure whether all structures are working for the peoples of  the country in a safest way or otherwise.

      All activities must be subject to an evaluation.

Structure of Evaluation Ministry

      This ministry should be autonomous in nature.  It should be free from all influence from all society.  Its offices must be available from village, town, taluk, district, state, centre and UNO.  All people who wants to check any government or private structure for its worthiness, can lodge a complaint here and in turn this office will analyse all its worthiness and give report to the public within a stipulated period of  time. People can complaint about any government or private structure or offices here in case of any loss, damage and doubt of worthiness. This ministry should be available in all country, worldwide.

Duties of Evaluation Ministry

1.    It should check all the government offices for correctness of worth.

2.    It should check every shops and ensure whether secured in all way.

3.    It should check all hotels for its correctness. All shops, hotels and offices must get permission from this office.

4.   It should check all the industries whether they are doing right things according to law and environmental safety.

5.    It should check farmers are getting right price to their cultivated items.

6.    Every final reports of the government orders must be forwarded to this office for evaluation.

7.   Each VAO should forward details of individual such as name, age, address, family members, educational qualification, job availability, home availability etc to this office.  In turn, this office will ensure provision of  job and home to the affected public.

8.   All jobs opportunity should collectively gathered here and provided to the public who is jobless.  Both job seeker and job provider should exchange their details here and accordingly a job seeker will get job and  a job provider will get employer from here. All unemployed youth should seek jobs from here. No one should be without employment.

9.   All the  organisations which are doing such evaluation jobs in this present government system should hand over all the duties to this office. 

10.  All press releases must be routed through this ministry only.


      All the problems available in the present government system are due to lack of evaluation department or ministry. There is nobody else in the world except some countries to evaluate actions of government and private. We need one organisation to justify all the things happening in the world.



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