People are now ready to live with Corona Virus. A proper vaccine will be ready within few months.  But till that period we have to suffer some more things.  However we have learnt some lessons from Corona Virus.  What is actually a requirement for Corona Virus. Is it route cause or definition of Corona Virus or its treatment or proper vaccine?   Can any answer to these question be a solution for Corona Virus?

   What we need really in this time?  Answer to these question may be a temporary solution.  Because after some years there will be some different virus will affect human. Thereafter there may be some other problem like biggest natural calamity etc. What will we do?  So, we need a permanent solution to all problems. Problems will come again and again in different dimensions but we have to be ready to face any such situation. We people as well as government must have situation reaction capacity. Problems are normal like thirsty and hungry but we have to make availability of things to face problems.  We have to concentrate our focus in some of the undermentioned things to face future war.


    Money played a biggest role in this pandemic.  In some countries, many private hospitals have given up treatment for Corona Virus only for they are not ready to meet such great expenditure.  People are not capable  to pay such huge bill payment except some wealthy people. But Government hospitals worked a lot in giving good food and hospitalisation in more levels to the Corona Virus patients.  To work for the affected patients needed more money and accordingly the budget was adjusted. 

    Individual people also suffered a lot without money for long duration of lockdown. Most of the people lost their jobs accordingly they have not got monthly salary. So, lot of people have faced difficulty to normal routine daily survival. 

    So, public as well government need money to face such situation. For this, everybody should keep some amount of money as reserve every time. 


   Network facility worked in this pandemic  more than better level. All network mobile network, computer network, tele services network, information network, courier services network, store transportation service network, government offices network world level and flight services network have played vital role in this pandemic.  So network facility should be in good condition all time. 

Food Security

      We need food which comes through cultivation.  By 2050 the world's population will likely increase by more than 35 percent.  To feed population, crop production will need to double.  The world produces more than 1.5 times enough food to feed everyone on the planet.  That's enough to feed 10 billion people, the population we expect by 2050. In reality, the bulk of industrially produced grain crops goes to biofuels and confined animal feedlots rather than food for the 1 billion hungry.   So our aim to improve cultivation of food grains must be taken into consideration.  


    All government world level have worked a lot.  Mostly all governments took good steps to improve their country from Corona Virus attack. So people have come to know about the importance of  a government in a country.  If there is a people in one side than there is a government in another side.  All governments have worked for their people and in turn people responded to their governments. If there is a good government with all facility than there will be better life for people of a country. A government is a permanently available organisation throughout the time in the earth planet.  So a good government will only provide good life and protection to its people. 

      An united world government is necessary.  We must have one government for total world.  All countries should work under the world government.  The world government will ensure all the need of the population of world.  Problems like terrorism, poverty, space research, human rights, political imbalance, employment to the world community, to keep control world activities, justice and vigilance, safety and security and international border disputes must be dealt with by world government. This world government must cater for all the needs of the people of the world. It is because there is no other organisation  in the world to lookafter the world people.

International Cooperation

    The world united together to fight against Corona Virus. So an international cooperation is must to face any situation if raise against human and other properties of earth in future. Exchange of goods and money within nations is need to face any such situation.



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