Everything in this world are based on ideas, techniques, methods and formulas.  Either teacher or doctor, advocate or engineer, politician or student, researcher or worker all use some ideas, techniques, methods and formulas in their tasks or duties.

     God also create, preserve, and dispose all things with his  ideas, techniques, methods and formulas.  To look after all human and properties of earth and even universe is done with help of all the above things.
      All these things are a form of thoughts.  So we have to improve our thoughts.  These thoughts become activities. To improve our thoughts we must have good qualities.  Good qualities are the basical thing for generating good thoughts. 

     Thoughts improve take place in two forms:-


Means somebody will have these type of thoughts by birth and for somebody has to obtain from their environment or society or obtaining knowledge from books or parents, relatives or friends.
     In this world everybody is good.  If anybody is thinking that they are not good they have to do some practice. That is, all will not be 100% good or 100% bad.  So we must calculate our how many actions are best and how many are bad.  There must be bad in less percentage. So we can say we are 70% good and 30% bad. Even your ratio is 50% good and 50% bad, don't worry. Step by step we can try to improve the good one and there will be decline for our bad things.

     It means, if you are walking in the railway lines you just slip and come down but step by step you will increase walk other than come down from the railway line.  It means, it is not the matter how many times you slipped from the line but the matter is how many distance you crossed.  Covering distance may be more than you slipped from the line. You can compare this with good and bad action  in your life.

   Everything is thoughts, mind, determination and confident. If our mind is satisfied then all is possible. So we have to satisfy our mind that we are good. So we must make everybody good. If maximum are good then the remaining will automatically become good. So we will try to have good qualities first  for our thoughts improvement.                                            - By R Gnanasekaran




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