Republic speaks about a government ruled by Public.  But in modern society, the government is being run by political parties and not by people or public.  Public are gathered in political parties but public are not directly run a government.  Political parties of all country have dimensions and principles but they all are not reflecting peoples views, desire and intentions.

     Political parties run a government after winning public elections but during the government functioning these political party has to obey bureaucracy.  The bureaucracy always kept the political party and the public under control.  The bureaucracy is always interested in economical improvement of a country and not it concentrate public improvement.  It never think about facilities to public but it always think about its country which reach out to the top of the world. 
    In modern government the public has no power.  Giving vote is not a power but it is merely a task or fundamental duty, that's all. 

    A public power is required to finalise a government's plan.  Decision making authority should be in the hands of representatives of public or people. It is because:-

     -  Political parties are in the hands of bureaucracy.

     -  If one political party plans a project, then another political party        
        which comes into power next rejects it even if the earlier project is worth.

     -  All political party has separate rules and dimensions which do not reflect 
        peoples mind.

     -  In a republic country, everybody is equal and everybody should get     
        everything equally.  But  this  is not being followed in modern   

     -  Most of the countries are still under developed countries it means we 
        have some deficiency. 

      - Political parties coming into power, concentrates its focus only on the 
        projects which merits its parties development and not national     

      - The opposite political party always try to criticise the ruling party only for  
        capturing power.

      -  All political parties fight each other for power.

    There are lots of public groups.  Group for caste, religious, family and social related groups and company groups.  But why not we unite as one public group irrespective  of divided groups among us?  Why not we form one organisation as people's party despite we belong to various communal groups and why not we get together as global public?  Why not we acquire more public power to control and form good government for our future generation as a government only permanently available organisation throughout the time in the earth.



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