As we discussed earlier, the government can do everything to it's people.  Lookafter the world is easy to which we need a better government. For a government every citizen is its son and daughter. It has to provide not rights but life.

   Every human need:-

- Food, Dress and Shelter.

- Education.

- Job.

- Marriage.

- Comfortable living.

    People with help of money fulfill their all requirements. A government need not give money to every citizen but job. A job gives money. So a good government has to ensure appropriate jobs to all its citizens. Every government all over the world should prepare for this.

   In turn, people has so many duties.  Firstly people has to respect their government, follow orders, rules and regulations and respect others.  Most of all we have to be responsible. We don't respect others instead disturb others. When our actions are affecting others there raised leaders, Kings and government to interfere our activities.

   A good government or developed nation is determined firstly by wealthy and healthy and safe living of its people.

   We don't need mighty Army power.  It will only lead to international war. But instead we will need one mighty army for whole world to prevent any external aggression from any source out of the earth planet. We have to create one such mighty army.

      All the governments should come under one world government or the UNO be well equipped.  We need one space research organisation for the total world under world government or UNO. Every single country should not go for space research separately. Why should we divide ourselves if there is a power if we united together?  All disputed land should come under world government or UNO. It will be called as world union territory where every one irrespective of the nation can live.  Why we want to fight each other or showing army power to one another or increasing army power?

    In earlier time we spent all our time in  these activities so now in this coronovirus period of time, the total world is locked down.  We are unable to face such crisis.  So we should concentrate our focus mainly on survival. Thereafter we can make everything. We don't want to lose human power any more for any cause in future.


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