A Country, Government and People

Why we need Government?

       Government is the permanently available organisation in the human world.  In one aspect, in a country there are only people, government also a body of collection of people.  So there is no government but only people full of a country.  In another aspect, there is only government, all people will come under government so there is no people but only government in a country.  In this aspect, government representative attends any international meeting on behalf of a government of a country and not on behalf of its people. In one another aspect, a country is half people and half government.  Here, if there is a government then there is a people.

     In a country, government is created for people.  All the activities related to people are made under the purview of  government.  Moreover, a government is not only for people but also it takes over the charge of atom, cell, molecules and virus, soil, stone and mountains, buildings, vehicles and things, plants and insects, birds and animals and finally space.

     Only a government will be permanently available in the world throughout the time.  People are individuals they take birth, live and die one day.  A single public or collection of public is not permanently available thing in the world.  Though a government is a collection of people, if somebody dies then another living people take over his charge thus a government become permanent organisation.

     So a permanently available government only can take care of all the citizens of a country.  So, if any present government is not in a position to treat everybody equally, to distribute all available things equally, to make people responsible, to make availability of needed things to everybody equally, to record history, to evaluate our actions, to ensure everybody' s healthy and wealthy living from birth to death and to lookafter other properties of earth then we have to make such a government with full capacity of looking after people and properties of earth. If any present government is not capable to do this job then we have to concentrate our focus to make an efficient government.

       People including government officials can only make such a government for their future generations.
       Every government in the world should have equal system of Election Process, Public Employment System, Justice and Vigilance System and Evaluation System.  If all the countries come under one global government, that is appreciable.
                 - By R GNANASEKARAN
Sri Gokul Enterprises


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