
Showing posts from July, 2020


          People are now ready to live with Corona Virus. A proper vaccine will be ready within few months.  But till that period we have to suffer some more things.  However we have learnt some lessons from Corona Virus.  What is actually a requirement for Corona Virus. Is it route cause or definition of Corona Virus or its treatment or proper vaccine?   Can any answer to these question be a solution for Corona Virus?    What we need really in this time?  Answer to these question may be a temporary solution.  Because after some years there will be some different virus will affect human. Thereafter there may be some other problem like biggest natural calamity etc. What will we do?  So, we need a permanent solution to all problems. Problems will come again and again in different dimensions but we have to be ready to face any such situation. We people as well as government must have situation reaction capacity. Problems are normal like thirsty and hungry but we have to make availability


     All the governments said that there is no possibility for vaccine for Corono Virus till December 2020. What can do the world?  Should we all have to survive with Corono Virus and cause more deaths till finalisation of any  suitable vaccine?  Should we go for lock down till the finalisation of vaccine? Shall we suffer economical imbalance worldwide?     In most of the countries including America, the virus has caused a heavy loss.  It is time to finish the virus for ever. Lets talk about how to kill the virus.    Actually, there is a simple concept in Corono Virus 2020 or any virus or bacteria.  If we compare  Corono Virus 2020 with earlier diseases like in 1720 - Plague, in 1820 - Cholera, in 1920 - Spanish Flu all are have one connection that is all about body heat and coldness. Some virus or bacteria caused in cold climate or in heat wave for which the medicine or food  given to the affected individual was to create body heat in case the virus or bacteria cau