In late 2019, the Corono Virus was detected by Chinese officials in  Wuhan city, in Eastern China. What started as an epidemic mainly limited to China has now become a truly global pandemic. The whole world including the US, Italy, Russia, India, Germany and Spain are heavily affected by Corono Virus.  Here we will discuss some impacts of Corono Virus. 

1.    World Quarantine

      Everyone stayed home without work. But they got daily meals. Many poor families are starving.  Some governments took action for them. But most affected are those who have moved from one state to another state and migrated from one country to another.

      This quarantine may be hard for some people but easy for people of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Israel and some soldiers of US and Russia who have fought local war in many countries.  Because during war, people will not get food, electricity, network facility and moreover the living place will be destroyed by air attacks. But there is no such thing in quarantine.  If we compare this quarantine with war then war will be worse.

2.     Pure Atmosphere.

       There is no vehicles on road worldwide. Fuel energy totally saved.  So the world breathed fresh clean air.

        All river are cleaned as there are no one to pollute it.

     Atleast to clean our airspace and water sources, we can follow this quarantine every year.  During that quarantine we should not use fuel vehciles.  We can start this 15 days prior to Earth Day and on Earth Day we can celebrate this in a grate level.

3.     Media and Network.

       During this corona virus pandemic, media and all network providers did a great job.  We should improve these facilities more level.

4.     Electric Power.

     We can stay home for long days.  But this is only possible with electric power.  The electric power is mother of all invention.  Nothing will work  without electric power.  For future emergency we should save electrical energy starting from now onwards.

5.     Fund.

        Money is important for all.  Every country faced fund problem.  So we have to keep some amount of fund as reserve for future emergency.  This is the task of UNO. Because during such emergency all countries  will place demand for fund to the UNO.   So the UNO should be capable to provide sufficient fund to all the nations when such crisis raise in future.

6.     Government.

       All present governments are worked hard to face corono virus attack.  All medical authorities and other essential department workers were performed their duties under their government. In turn the government encouraged them for their performance.

7.    The World Is United.
     The  total world suffered because of one virus. There was only a problem worldwide.   All are united for one cause.  So in future emergency we must get together and jointly fight any crises.  All have to cooperate each other.  We must exchange money, good and services ourselves.



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