On observing the Coronavirus affected people are gradually increased globally, all national leaders are worried much.  If we watch the matter closely we can understand one thing that the affected cases will automatically reduced to a minimum level gradually.  It will come down like it is raised.

     The China has controlled the situation easily within two months after it started quarantine all its people and put effective control on people's movement thus reducing spread of Coronavirus.  Because it has received no any fresh case as there is no affected persons had come from any another country.
    But in case of other country, it received many fresh cases from other countries.
Most of the affected persons came from other countries had  spread virus carelessly or unknowingly and thus increasing the virus affected persons nationwide. It has also reason that the symptoms of virus affected had come to light after 15 to 20 days.  The individuals did not know that they are affected by virus.

    Now all the countries have called for self quarantine thus controlling movement of persons.  So quantity of affected persons will slightly increase first but if we extend the quarantine period then it will come to reduce gradually. It will take nearly four to five months.
      But all the countries should ensure availability of essential things to the people of their country.  Because people's cooperation in this regard is very necessary. People should understand the difficult situation and  voluntarily accept the self quarantine for which all the government should provide all essential goods and medicines to their home.


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