Today  we will discuss on UNO and it's importance during corona virus period of time.  My humble submission is I take this privilege to give only my suggestion, views, my opinion in the forthcoming paragraphs. UNO is formed on 24 October 1945 immediately after the second world war to develop friendly relations among nations.   Since then it has been working hard for social progress and human rights. But it should have been top of the countries like a Earth headquarters or world headquarters to control and advice nations. But instead, it is presently under control of veto power nations.
   Now every nation is trying for veto power instead of getting order from UNO and working under UNO. As per my above mentioned statement, the UNO  is world headquarters and supreme organisation of all nations.
     During this corona virus period of time, all the nations including the nations which has veto power should have to follow instructions from UNO. Whether this is being followed or not that is not matter
 But at present, there is a great need of one such organisation which should be full capacity of guiding, streamlining, mostly caring people of the world and facing any emergency situations like war, virus threat, any threat from outside our earth planet in whatever the form.
    The UNO is an organisation and not government. What I suggest is we need for one world government.  A top government only can make development of all the human community.  This can have President and Prime Minister  and to form this we will work for it but there is a great need for one world government at this time.
     Whatever the situation we are facing today is a world war, a war against coronavirus.  After we washout all the virus from our earth planet, we have to think about a world government with full capacity to face anything comes from anywhere else or to make UNO as world government.


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