Every people should have the quality of responsibility. We have to respect others. We face all the problems due to none compliance of humanity. In olden days, people struggled one another for getting available things. The brave one got everything leaving others hungry.

    There emerged one person who was called as leader of the group. There were so many groups and they bought themselves to rule people. There emerged kings. There were so many kingdoms world wide. 

     Later, the king's rule replaced with Republic governments. Democracy emerged and still it rules.  So if we have responsibility and respect one another then we don't need any government to rule us.  We need governments to distribute all available things equally among people and to form rules and regulations, rights and duties, to control public, to perform as mediator and to work for the people during emergency etc.

   We are not only in this universe. Apart from any individual people, there is others which is universe. The universe is divided by groups:
      Sun  family

      Atom, cells, molecules, gases, virus,             bacteria etc.
      Soil, Stone and mountains
      All water sources
      Birds and animals
      Human and human made things.

    Everything is in order. The universe is well structured. Every matter is made up by atom. Human body is made up by cells and each cell has atom. Thus all available things in the universe is collection of atom.  So the basic things is atom. If atom is broken down into pieces then we have a final one that is higgs boson theory or God particle.

   Now coming to human world, every individual has to face others which is universe.  A single human compete with other single human only. 

Human Structure

    Collection of human beings( Structure)
    A country is supreme human                         structure.

Universe is collection of planets and stars
Our Earth is collection of groups of species.
Every structure in the world  is collection of human
All are collection of atom, cells and molecules.
   So, in this universe, we as a human have to manage ourselves and thereafter we should try to manage other being things and unbeing things and finally the universe. We already have the capacity to lookafter all the world still there are poverty, unemployment, curruption, religious intolerance, atrocities on women, children and yelders and racism etc in some countries.  To clear all these problems we the global people must unite together and jointly create one government for all of us countrywise which should take over the charge of the world people for  safest, healthiest and wealthiest life as the government only permanently available organisation in the world throughout the time till the universe will survive. All these governments should come under one world government.

                   - R GNANASEKARAN



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