There are some economical status in human society.  There are:-
1. Individual economical status.
2. Family economical status.
3. Company/business establishment economical status.
4. Society/group economical status and
5. Government economical status.
The human society improves it's economical status in these ways.               Everybody needs money,  money   gives buying ability.  Money fulfills all essential needs of human and other properties of earth.  individual gets money through job and other earnings. A family gets money through individual earnings. A company or business establishments get money through profit of sale of products and services. Society income determines by individual and family earnings. Income of a government is being determined by various factors. 

   A good government should concentrate its focus on these issues because growth of these status is very essential to a government and  society.

   Job gives duty however a jobless youth is always working hard for earnings in many ways.  Some of them are select wrong ways to make money. It often leads to disturbance to other people, society and government.  Most of the crimes are originated because of money making attitude in an unacceptable way. 

    Everything in the universe has value, money scales value of every property. So people running behind money throughout the life. Money creates all the above mentioned status to the human society. Money rules the world.  It will be an unique property for the human society for long coming centuries.
   An  individual who possess a job do less money oriented crimes other than a person who is jobless.  So providing suitable jobs or make everything as job to all persons is must.



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