What shows riots in America nowadays?

    The public is entirely different from that of government.  Government is run by bureaucracy.  The bureaucracy thinks to stop the riots with mighty police force or Army.  But public is emotional based.  Public wants justice for the affected person.  Public wants reply from the government authorities which they want to touch or satisfy their heart.   The police force or Army are working under bureaucracy  So the real fight is between the bureaucracy and the public.  The president is between bureaucracy and the public. Here the president listen to the bureaucracy and wants to control the public.  So the public or other observers will blame the president and not the bureaucracy.  This is the real situation of present government system in the entire world.

    Public has no power in the present democratic government system but it can riot and take violence in the hands and attack the public property.  The riot is leaderless but powerful.  

     What we need at present?

      The public is not agreed to the present rule.  They blame ruler for whatever did the bureaucracy.  They think all orders came from the rulers or president so they angry against the government.  The president must take decision between the public and the bureaucracy.  He must justify the things between the two and take the strong decision.  Public can't become silent with power of forces but power of words from the president.  The president must cool down the people other than controlling the people.

      In every country there is one biggest public and opposite side there is a biggest government.  The government is in the hands of bureaucracy with top leadership of political party won in the public election.  But actually the government is made for the public so the government should take necessary action for the public welfare.  Whenever the public reflects disinterest with the ruing party for whatever the actions done by bureaucracy there we see the change of government with other political party won in the next election.  So every political party must be careful in dealing with the public issues. 


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