Everyone wants power. A single country, a single religion, language, group of people  should not have intention to rule the world.  From the Alexander the great, Napoleon, some country like England, Italy,Germany and Japan were interested to capture and rule the world.  

    No single religion, caste and language is powerful but every religion, caste and language in the world is powerful.  This is religion, caste and language freedom.  Everyone should respect all religion, caste and language and no single religion or others should emerge as top relegating other religions etc.  Religion is not bigger thing in this world.  God and religion is only applicable for people and not for government.  Some government is basically religious based and they have to reconsider it. In these region majority religious people overpower minority religious people. So government should not be religious based.

    Presently the dollar currency and English language rule the world.  It is because we all have accepted these two as generally applicable one for all the countries.  Somebody says Christianity rule the world because majority of the people in the world are following Christianity and the dollar and English language are related with Christianity.  So all people want their religion, language, caste and group  should also top of the world and they all are working for it.

    Basically, there is no thing like 'rule the world' but there is a thing 'look after the world'.  The real power is not to rule the world but look after the world has the actual power. If we make a world government we shall give a chance to all the national leaders to become leader of the world. Once we make the world government, we can select the world language, world currency and other related properties for the world government. 

    Everybody can follow any religion, caste and language and one should respect other religion etc but  there is no possibility for one religion, caste and language for complete world presently.  Like a secular country our earth should be secular world.  Here everybody is equal. Everybody should get all appropriate things equally and we all have rights to live a prosperous life from birth to death. Every religion is powerful every language has its own heritage.  We should unite all the world people irrespective of religion, language, caste and group.

    God, religion, language, groups  and caste should not interfere our routine activities.  We need basic things but we  will not get   it through  religion but we can get all our needs with our hardwork that's why the hardwork must be unique for all of us.  We can pray God and religious rules  but it should not disturb others.  The world should be relieved from all religious, language, caste and region based discrimination, otherwise, it will become a world problem. No religion, caste and language should cross their limit of freedom.
                     - R GNANASEKARAN
Sri Gokul Enterprises



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