
Showing posts from April, 2021


          Everything in this world are based on ideas, techniques, methods and formulas.  Either teacher or doctor, advocate or engineer, politician or student, researcher or worker all use some ideas, techniques, methods and formulas in their tasks or duties.      God also create, preserve, and dispose all things with his  ideas, techniques, methods and formulas.  To look after all human and properties of earth and even universe is done with help of all the above things.             All these things are a form of thoughts.  So we have to improve our thoughts.  These thoughts become activities. To improve our thoughts we must have good qualities.  Good qualities are the basical thing for generating good thoughts.       Thoughts improve take place in two forms:-        -Hereditary        -Environment. Means somebody will have these type of thoughts by birth and for somebody has to obtain from their environment or society or obtaining knowledge from books or pare


            In these days, thinking about politics is must for every citizen in a country.  A country represents following three things :-         - Government .  In a country, there is one full government available.  In this aspect, there is no people outside a country.  Leader of this particular country relflects only as a representative of that country and not people.        -  People.   In a country,  there is full of people and no government other than people as government is also collection of people.       -  Government and People.   In this aspect, a country consists of two things; one biggest government and otherside one biggest people.       Every people have rights and duties to formulize and systemize  their government to help every generation. Every people need following basic things :-        -  Food        -  Dress        -  Shelter        -  Education        -  Job        -  Marriage         -  Comfortable living      To attain all above things they depend on pa