
Showing posts from March, 2020


     Today the world comes to know the importance of people's coming out for duties.  People's outside performance only filled up all financial requirements of family and country.  Now all the people are inside their home.  There are empty streets, closed shops, no autos, car, van, bus, train and no even flights.      The world now feel like it has moved back to centuries.  A small virus did big job. All experts said earlier that today's world cannot be without all facilities of modern science but today proved and has broken that image. But God grace that we don't lose other science made properties like computer, mobile phones and all its network facilities.  We can't image without these facilities how the world could encounter the Coronavirus. Because all village and towns, districts, states and countries were divided separately but only with networks we are able to manage the Coronavirus problem.     The world has experienced low level funds availabili


             On observing the Coronavirus affected people are gradually increased globally, all national leaders are worried much.  If we watch the matter closely we can understand one thing that the affected cases will automatically reduced to a minimum level gradually.  It will come down like it is raised.      The China has controlled the situation easily within two months after it started quarantine all its people and put effective control on people's movement thus reducing spread of Coronavirus.  Because it has received no any fresh case as there is no affected persons had come from any another country.     But in case of other country, it received many fresh cases from other countries. Most of the affected persons came from other countries had  spread virus carelessly or unknowingly and thus increasing the virus affected persons nationwide. It has also reason that the symptoms of virus affected had come to light after 15 to 20 days.  The individuals did not know th


       Today  we will discuss on UNO and it's importance during corona virus period of time.  My humble submission is I take this privilege to give only my suggestion, views, my opinion in the forthcoming paragraphs. UNO is formed on 24 October 1945 immediately after the second world war to develop friendly relations among nations.   Since then it has been working hard for social progress and human rights. But it should have been top of the countries like a Earth headquarters or world headquarters to control and advice nations. But instead, it is presently under control of veto power nations.    Now every nation is trying for veto power instead of getting order from UNO and working under UNO. As per my above mentioned statement, the UNO  is world headquarters and supreme organisation of all nations.      During this corona virus period of time, all the nations including the nations which has veto power should have to follow instructions from UNO. Whether this is being followe


         The total world has become silent due to total lock down except some whispering from coronavirus affected people. Here I am not going to discuss about what are the causes of Coronavirus, how can it be cured? what are the treatment and medicine available for it? But what are the impacts caused due to corona virus.      Lots of police station lodged less normal complaints or zero complaints. The earth environment has become clean or free from pollution. Since flight services has been stopped mostly all over the world, the problem is raised where all planes be parked.  Most of the persons are now feeling the taste of remaining in home.      Now how can people be relaxed that a good time will come quickly and they will be relieved from their all worries? We must create something to increase people's confident.  It is time to help others.      Due to world become silent, please try to listen the sound of the earth which rotates around the sun at the speed of 107000 km


What is going on todays in the world is a third world war, a war against CORONA Virus. Some countries have put some hard efforts to overcome the issue. But still there are some other countries like Itali and France which are facing trouble. It is time to unite the world together to fight against this disaster.  Until or unless we, the human community, save ourselves we can't save other being things and property of the mother earth in case of such crisis arise in the future. Because the earth is made for all and we the human beings have  the responsibility to lookafter it. So, it is time to work for others means other country which are in trouble. I can suggest one thing that the affected country should go for three days curfew means we should ensure everybody is in their home only and may take medical test for all the family members, thereafter go for quarantine if there are positive cases. In this method we can control the issue overall. Because the disease spread due to individu

What should we learn from CORONA?

Corona means warning. We divide ourselves regionwise, countrywise and so on. We the global people still not unite together for a global cause. Like terrorism natural disaster is also a global issue. Any country should not be silent that their country is not affected by Corona. We should try to understand the importance of recovering from the disaster joining with the affected country. Because anytime the global disaster can attack anybody.  This is what we have learnt from the Corona.  It is time to think about one world headquarters more than United Nations Organisation to care people of affected country like a mother to advise to give orders if necessary. Because there is No recognised global leader for all the people and property of the world. A global leader can only be lead the world. Because we are ready to go to moon for living but everybody is not ready to go to moon. Most of the country is still fighting against poverty, illiteracy, corruption and unemployment. Until or unle