

          Everything in this world are based on ideas, techniques, methods and formulas.  Either teacher or doctor, advocate or engineer, politician or student, researcher or worker all use some ideas, techniques, methods and formulas in their tasks or duties.      God also create, preserve, and dispose all things with his  ideas, techniques, methods and formulas.  To look after all human and properties of earth and even universe is done with help of all the above things.             All these things are a form of thoughts.  So we have to improve our thoughts.  These thoughts become activities. To improve our thoughts we must have good qualities.  Good qualities are the basical thing for generating good thoughts.       Thoughts improve take place in two forms:-        -Hereditary        -Environment. Means somebody will have these type of thoughts by birth and for somebody has to obtain from their environment or society or obtaining knowledge from books or pare


            In these days, thinking about politics is must for every citizen in a country.  A country represents following three things :-         - Government .  In a country, there is one full government available.  In this aspect, there is no people outside a country.  Leader of this particular country relflects only as a representative of that country and not people.        -  People.   In a country,  there is full of people and no government other than people as government is also collection of people.       -  Government and People.   In this aspect, a country consists of two things; one biggest government and otherside one biggest people.       Every people have rights and duties to formulize and systemize  their government to help every generation. Every people need following basic things :-        -  Food        -  Dress        -  Shelter        -  Education        -  Job        -  Marriage         -  Comfortable living      To attain all above things they depend on pa


    Most of the persons in the world are interested in enjoyment other than work.  Because enjoyment gives pleasure and work gives pain.  But, in every structure and appointment channels these both are available.  If there is a President of a country or bottom line worker of any organisation, they get appointment enjoyment and work. If President of a country enjoys his power in other point, he holds biggest responsibility.  People see only power and not work. With intention to enjoyment and powers people forget the duties and responsibilities hide behind any appointment.      Job givers see abilities and qualities in every job seekers. But job seekers mostly see the salary and facilities and name & fame other than work involved in it. These work is divided into two. One is physical labour work and smart work.  Smart work is related with taking over of responsibility.  A leader or chief takes over the responsibility of his organisation and therefore he gets a

Happy New Year 2021

          A very very happy new year 2021. May this year give enormous inner strength and happy life to all the world people.  We have experienced a lot from Coronavirus in 2020. We have lost so many lives and a lot of people worried much due to Coronovirus.  A small virus did a great job however we withstand bravely and all the world countries fought against the virus.  Today, we have proper vaccine.  However, we can continue to wear masks and follow individual and social distance for atleast another six months. I pray to God that all American, European, African, Asian, Australian and all Islam dominated countries recover from all diseases in the coming year.    I insist all of you to celebrate the new year 2021.  Because this celebration is unique for the world people irrespective of religion, region, language and culture.  This English new year starts from the birth of Jesus Christ.   Before Christ, the time goes to the beginning of the universe. After birth

Perfection in Life

        We need perfection in our life.   In every step of our life requires perfection.  There are still problems being faced by people all over the world due to Coronavirus related issues even though some countries using vaccine.  As I said earlier, we have to ready to face any issues happen in the future. Problems never finish but with our capacity we can encounter it bravely.  So we need perfection in our life. 1.    Safety .         Our safety must be against :-          -  Accident          -  Failure          -  Danger        Safety to our lives and properties including wealth is very necessary.  Everybody is searching safety in our each and every activities.  The following three things are determining our safety :-         - Direction .   Our directions in our every day to day activities must be very clear. If we want to do some activities it must have good directions at our level, means we must be clear in our path or way how we are going to do this activity from beginning to


          After the American election is over, Joe Biden and  Kamala Harris combination will win and take over the charge of America. I ask both the leaders to care the world as the respected America is doing the world leadership for long years. Once upon a time both America and British formed the UNO to collectively gather all nations under one roof.  But still there are lots of crisis, problems like terrorism, poverty, illiteracy, corruption and unemployment etc in the most of the world countries.  The UNO is merely an organisation but we need one global government to solve all these problems so you may consider this after you take over the America.     Today(29 October 2020) at noon 1200h at Rajapalayam(South India) one blind old man was supposed to hit by one lorry.  I suddenly noticed the man and rushed to him and took him to the other side of the road.  He thanked me and asked me to make him sit in one place as he was not able to tolerate the heat waves. H


     To entry into politics means rule the world. Political parties participate in elections.  One party takes over the government after winning public elections, that is ruling party. The next runner party is called as opposite party.  This system is available in all the countries.      Some countries have two political parties. Some countries like Argentina, Armenia, Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, Poland and Ukraine have multiple party systems. In these countries, usually no single party has a parliamentary majority by itself.    In the United States, there are two main parties, one is Republican Party and the other one is Democratic Party.  The Democratic  Party has the most seats in the house of Representatives while the Republicans hold a majority in the Senate.    The UK political system is a multi party system.  Since 1920s, the two dominant parties have been the Conservative Party and the Labour Party.  Before t