

        Life of people once again flourished all over the world.  People come out from home and mingled in society. People are now ready to live with Corona Virus. They accepted the situation and ready to face any consequences of virus related effects.    If affected, people go to the hospital and take treatment as enough treatment is available in every place.  There are more cured persons more than affected persons. No more quarantine is required.    However, wearing mask, maintaining social and individual distance will help us from various other problems.  So we can continue this till finalisation of vaccine.      As I already said, there can be a complete lockdown for one week for all over the world every year because it will help cleaning of river and seashore and clean pollution free environment.    We should plan for a world government for total world as it will work for all readyness for any contingency including any virus threat etc.     We the global pe


          People are now ready to live with Corona Virus. A proper vaccine will be ready within few months.  But till that period we have to suffer some more things.  However we have learnt some lessons from Corona Virus.  What is actually a requirement for Corona Virus. Is it route cause or definition of Corona Virus or its treatment or proper vaccine?   Can any answer to these question be a solution for Corona Virus?    What we need really in this time?  Answer to these question may be a temporary solution.  Because after some years there will be some different virus will affect human. Thereafter there may be some other problem like biggest natural calamity etc. What will we do?  So, we need a permanent solution to all problems. Problems will come again and again in different dimensions but we have to be ready to face any such situation. We people as well as government must have situation reaction capacity. Problems are normal like thirsty and hungry but we have to make availability


     All the governments said that there is no possibility for vaccine for Corono Virus till December 2020. What can do the world?  Should we all have to survive with Corono Virus and cause more deaths till finalisation of any  suitable vaccine?  Should we go for lock down till the finalisation of vaccine? Shall we suffer economical imbalance worldwide?     In most of the countries including America, the virus has caused a heavy loss.  It is time to finish the virus for ever. Lets talk about how to kill the virus.    Actually, there is a simple concept in Corono Virus 2020 or any virus or bacteria.  If we compare  Corono Virus 2020 with earlier diseases like in 1720 - Plague, in 1820 - Cholera, in 1920 - Spanish Flu all are have one connection that is all about body heat and coldness. Some virus or bacteria caused in cold climate or in heat wave for which the medicine or food  given to the affected individual was to create body heat in case the virus or bacteria cau


Introduction.              Worldwide approximately more than 90 lakh people are   affected by Corona Virus.   Worldwide near about 5 lakh people were died and 45 lakh people were cured.  Hereinafter Corona Virus will affect almost double in coming months until or unless we find out proper medicine or vaccine.  So we should be ready to face the virus. We must understand the seriousness of the virus.  The complete world lockdown caused to stop spread the virus worldwide.  But the world experienced a lot due to lockdown hence some of the restrictions of lockdown was relaxed and eased.  Due to eases and relaxation of some restrictions in lockdown, the virus again started to spread vigorously.  It is because of careless and overconfidence.   Actions to Take in Next Coming Months 1   Complete Lock Down Once Again .  A complete lockdown once again required to stop spread the Corona Virus.  The lock down should be extended for another four months from 01 July 2020 to 31 Oct 2020.  Due to carel


       In late 2019, the Corono Virus was detected by Chinese officials in  Wuhan city, in Eastern China. What started as an epidemic mainly limited to China has now become a truly global pandemic. The whole world including the US, Italy, Russia, India, Germany and Spain are heavily affected by Corono Virus.  Here we will discuss some impacts of Corono Virus.  1.     World Quarantine       Everyone stayed home without work. But they got daily meals. Many poor families are starving.  Some governments took action for them. But most affected are those who have moved from one state to another state and migrated from one country to another.       This quarantine may be hard for some people but easy for people of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Israel and some soldiers of US and Russia who have fought local war in many countries.  Because during war, people will not get food, electricity, network facility and moreover the living place will be destroyed by air att


    In one side, we don't have medicine and eventhough we quarantine ourselves for a month and more, the  situation is still deteriorating.      In another side, people are losing patience because they don't know when the damn thing will finish.  Day by day, the affected persons are increasing as well as the death roll. People are ready to come out from the lockdown even though there is no option we have left with other than a world lockdown which effectively controls spread.     In one another side, some countries start to blame China for whatever the human loss and money due to corona virus. When a quarrel takes place between two you know, when there is no option and when both are helpless.      Now, one question is raising that we don't have proper or appropriate medicine but some people are cured from COVID-19.  If we analyse this then we can have the answer.  Corono Virus has different dimensions so we are unable to find out one particular medicine fo


     Today the world comes to know the importance of people's coming out for duties.  People's outside performance only filled up all financial requirements of family and country.  Now all the people are inside their home.  There are empty streets, closed shops, no autos, car, van, bus, train and no even flights.      The world now feel like it has moved back to centuries.  A small virus did big job. All experts said earlier that today's world cannot be without all facilities of modern science but today proved and has broken that image. But God grace that we don't lose other science made properties like computer, mobile phones and all its network facilities.  We can't image without these facilities how the world could encounter the Coronavirus. Because all village and towns, districts, states and countries were divided separately but only with networks we are able to manage the Coronavirus problem.     The world has experienced low level funds availabili